hello friend...♡ welcome 2 my cotton tailed webpage..i hope you find a bit of sweetness in here as do i.. maybe you'll find something you like..atleast, i hope so..♡ please navigate around...you can go back to the home page by clicking the little teddy bear icon at the bottom of this box

♡ on 8/8/23 i decided to leave the mainstream media for the sake of my mental health.. ♡ i have my own thoughts about the internet.. its a very scary place, alot of people are crueler than they appear while hiding behind a mask of innocence & anonymity. ♡ social media isnt what it used to be.. it had the potential to be a wonderful place but- unfortunately, its just not pure.. there is lots of violence and pornographic content on it..aswell as negative media in general. ontop of that, it is very limiting to self expression.. the only reason i post online is for self expression.. i find no use in the mainsteam medias because it limits that.. ♡ so iv decided to rejoin neocities in hopes to properly express myself, share things i make, & hopefully recover from personal mental issues i am dealing with.. ♡ i hope all of that is understandable to you... o dear..

im unsure if you would like to know anything about me.. but i'll list a few things just incase..mhm..♡

u can call me flutterkitty..

5'3, currently only 1 year old in kitty years..! (19 in human years.. bummer.)

wavy messy dark hair

shy & reclusive

fatigue & constantly tired

loves strawberry milk

a friend of all animals..

very very scared of wasps & hornets..

likes 2 wear long dresses up 2 her ankles, or really long skirts..

hums 2 herself & makes little songs in her head


i would like 2 note, i do have a keeper.. [i call him my keeper because he takes care of me.. perhaps i'll nickname him "Bear.."] he is really kind 2 me and nutures me back to health alot, especially because i need it.. ♡

nd also please dont come 2 this little webpage with ill intentions towards me, im really trying to get better mentally.. this site was made with intentions of being a safe space for me... please do understand...

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